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Simple observer library for roblox

local observer = require("observer")

local disconnect = observer.character(function(character, player)
    character:SetAttribute("rank", player:GetRankInGroup(23239231))

    return function()
        character:SetAttribute("rank", nil)




localtool(tag, callback, dont_add_existing)
  • tag - the tag a tool should have to be observed
  • callback- a function to be used to observe a tool, that optionally returns a function to be called when the tool is unequipped
  • dont_add_existing - a boolean that if true, the observer will not observe already equipped tools with the given tag
character(callback, dont_add_existing)
  • callback - a function to be used to observe a character and a player, that optionally returns a function thats called when a character is destroyed
  • dont_add_existing - a boolean that if true, the observer will not observe already existing character and player pairs
tool(tag, callback, dont_add_existing)
  • tag- the tag a tool should have to be observed
  • callback - a function to be used to observe a tool, that optionally returns a function to be called when that tool is unequipped
  • dont_add_existing - a boolean that if true, the observer will not observe already equipped tools with the given tag
tag(tag, callback, dont_add_existing)
  • tag - the tag a instance should have to be observed
  • callback - a function to be used to observe a instance, that optionally returns a function to be called when that instance is destroyed
  • dont_add_existing - a boolean that if true will not observe already existing instances with the given tag
player(callback, dont_add_existing)
  • callback - a function to be used to observe a player, that optionally returns a function to be called when the player leaves the game
  • dont_add_existing - a boolean that if true, the observer will not observe already existing players